Voss anger at AFL Brisbane snub

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 10 Maret 2013 | 14.57

Brisbane coach Michael Voss reckons the Lions were controlled in using the ball during their NAB Cup win against Collingwood.

AN angry Brisbane Lions coach Michael Voss has smashed the AFL for denying his side a home NAB Cup final.

The Lions will face Carlton in the pre-season decider on Friday night, but despite being the only undefeated side in the competition, will be made to travel back to enemy territory at Etihad Stadium.

"It's very disappointing. Which issue do you want to raise?" Voss said.

"Do you want to raise the fact we've lost the chance to advertise our game in the south east of Queensland?

"Or do you want to raise that if the Gold Coast were playing this game whether they would be playing in Queensland?

Brisbane coach Michael Voss prepares to talk to his players in the NAB Cup match against Collingwood. Picture: Robert Prezioso.

"We're happy to come down here because we've got a Victorian supporter base and they're terrific.

"But the NRL has already started their season and we've got two Queensland teams who aren't playing in Queensland this weekend.

"We haven't played a home match at all and we're not going to ... clearly it's not acceptable."

NAB Cup final round schedule

Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley reckons the Pie's NAB Cup match with the Brisbane Lions was 'terrible.'

The Gabba is unavailable due to cricket commitments. The Suns' Metricon Stadium loomed as the next-best option, but the AFL has chosen Etihad because it believes it will attract the biggest possible attendance.

Voss, who had been encouraged by watching his side storm over a depleted Collingwood in the second half to win by 34 points last night, was visibly angered when the line of questioning moved to the venue for Friday's night's Grand Final.

"It's captain's call so we move on, but I just think we've lost a terrific opportunity," Voss said.

"We're trying to grow our own supporter base, we've had a tough couple of years and we're trying to grow it again and any opportunity you get to do that why wouldn't we be doing it? I don't understand.

"We sit up here as ambassadors of the game, we're in the northern outpost trying to grow the game.

"We've missed a chance to grow our supporter base against another code that happens to be the dominant, No.1 code in our state.

"We've missed that chance and that leaves me quite angry because I've been up there for 20 plus years."

Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley did a double-take when told the Brisbane-Carlton match would not be played in Queensland.

"Where is it?" Buckley said.

"We discussed it late in the game in the box that clearly Brisbane are the undefeated side and they get home ground advantage, so we presumed the game would be at Metricon.

"Vossy has got every right to be disappointed."

Buckley described last night's loss as "terrible game of footy", but praised several of his younger players in what was an experimental line-up. Dane Swan, Scott Pendlebury, Heath Shaw and Travis Cloke were all rested.

Asked about Swan's unauthorised TV interview, Buckley said his star player deserved to be fined.

"Our players know the rules and Dane and his management didn't follow the rules so it's pretty simple," he said.

"There was a commercial gain individually for something that he didn't follow the collective protocols. Dane knows it, I know it, 'Perty' (CEO Gary Pert) knows it, every player at the football club knows it, so it was a no-brainer.

"It's pretty simple, If you don't follow the expectations and needs and demands of the football club you cop your whack and move on.

"It's not a huge issue, but five grand is not a sniff of money, there's a fair bit there and I dare say that 'Swanny' would understand you couldn't do it the same way next time.

"It doesn't take away any of the positives that we're seeing from a football perspective. He or his management, whoever was responsible for letting (people) know what was going on, made a poor decision."

Last night's match started in sauna-like conditions - the mercury was still 32C at the opening bounce - and both sides rotated to the extreme.

With the controversial interchange cap lifted due to the heat, Collingwood finished with an extraordinary 168 rotations and Brisbane 143.

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Voss anger at AFL Brisbane snub

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